
Showing posts from January, 2012

Risks Related to Dairy-Free Diets for Autism

A study from the National Institutes of Health and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center states: "...dairy-free diets and unconventional food preferences could put boys with autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at higher than normal risk for thinner, less dense bones when compared to a group of boys the same age who do not have autism." The researchers believe that boys with autism and ASD are at risk for poor bone development for a number of reasons. These factors are lack of exercise, a reluctance to eat a varied diet, lack of vitamin D, digestive problems, and diets that exclude casein (a protein found in milk and milk products). Dairy products are a significant source of calcium and vitamin D. Casein-free diets are a controversial treatment thought by some to lessen the symptoms of autism. According to the study: "Our results suggest that children with autism and autism spectrum disorder may be at risk for calcium and vitamin D deficienci...

Do Vaccines Cause Autism

Nearly all of the leading health organizations including the CDC and the NIH say that there is no relationship between vaccines and autism. Yet many parents are convinced there is more to the story, and doubts about the safety of vaccines linger in their minds. How did this controversy get started -- and why is it still such a concern? Before launching into the issues surrounding vaccines and autism, it's important to note that, with very rare exceptions, no one on either side of the vaccine issues is "anti-vaccine." Every doctor and researcher with any real credentials acknowledges that vaccinations have saved thousands and possibly millions of lives -- and even those doctors who are most vocal in their concerns about vaccines offer recommendations for what they consider to be "safe" vaccines.